Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Faith Bicycle

This morning as I rode through the ravine, deep in thought, I somehow started thinking, “how is riding a bicycle like the gospel?” The question then turned into another: How is faith like riding a bicycle?
These are my thoughts:
Each trial in its uniqueness is a hill of differing sizes and inclines. In order to overcome each hill and reach the top, we must continue pedaling—keep using faith. We must utilize our faith if we are to succeed in our goal. And what is the ultimate goal? God and perfection, or eternal life.
Do we care to reach that goal? And what about each goal along the way? Why bother pedaling without a goal in mind? Something to do?
We all pedal for one reason or another. What is your reason? The only danger is when we stop pedaling altogether, stop fighting, and give up. Sometimes our trials are so treacherous and steep we feel we cannot endure. Losing faith along these inclines is easy. We might have to get off our bike and walk with it, but we must never let go of faith, or we will lose our transportation to the eternities. Hold fast and cling tight.
The great blessing of each incline is that each arduous push of the pedals and each step upwards build muscles we could not obtain by walking an easy road. Each step allows you to grow closer to perfection and close to God.
The next time we reach a similar hill we will be stronger and we will be able to pedal with greater ease.  The journey is not easy but it is definitely worth it.
The Kingdom of God and perfection, is the destination. We can’t transport ourselves, and thank goodness! The journey is necessary to build the spiritual muscles needed to do and perform our work in the Kingdom of Heaven. Perfection, obtained only in the eternities, is a process. This period of development is why everyone must go through every hill and every climb, and pass every trial God gives them. But we don’t have to do it alone. Our bike, or, our faith in God, and His aid will help us on our way.
"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ—that is the first principle of the gospel. We must go forward. God expects you to have enough faith, determination, and trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. He expects you not simply to face the future; He expects you to embrace and shape the future—to love it, rejoice in it, and delight in your opportunities." (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)