Thursday 11 April 2013

Weekend Trip to Ontario: Niagara Falls and Palmyra, New York

     Last weekend (October 12 to 15, 2012) I went to visit Justine Jalaff (Townsend) in Ontario. This trip was my first visit to Ontario and I loved it! Ontario is beautiful in the Fall, bursting with warm colours--red, yellow, orange and brown.

     I visited Niagara Falls and went for a ride on the Maid of the Mist--a ferry that brings passengers close to the Falls. I joined everyone in donning a blue poncho, but I pulled back my hood at times so I could enjoy the full burst of spray and mist created by the powerful tumbling waters. On the Canada side (Horseshoe Falls), the waters churned more gray and fierce.

    The mist and spray created a rainbow! So wonderful. Unfortunately, there were many blue poncho people in the way of the picture.

Blue Poncho People

    I got to know Benny, Justine's husband, better throughout the weekend. He is a very kind, thoughtful, funny man. I am happy for Justine and Benny. They are perfect for each other.

     We all went on the Maid of the Mist together, saw the attractions, and drove down to Palmyra the next day.

     Palmyra is a wonderful place. One of the coolest things in my life. I have grown up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, seeing pictures of Palmyra, and hearing stories of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and then, I have the opportunity to see these things in the flesh. So cool. I would hear other people talking about their experiences in Palmyra and I would make a wish in my heart that I could go someday too. And now I have!

     I didn't take as many pictures of the Smith Farm, I think because I know there are already pictures and paintings of the house, so I took pictures of the surrounding area. I love the big round tree with the red leaves.

     I was most excited to walk into the Sacred Grove. On the way there, Justine said to me, "this is sacred ground, because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared here." I knew that, but her comment helped to remind me of the sacredness of where I was going. I walked in by myself imagining that the Saviour was by my side holding my hand. I don't know why I did, but it was really special to me. I felt my Saviour close to me as I entered. I didn't have an exciting experience, but I did feel at peace.

     I walked deep into the grove and sat on a bench and prayed in my heart to the Father. I think the most special part was that I was spending time with Him, and I haven't done that for a while, without all the distractions of life. I ponder about how Joseph Smith chose to go to the grove to pray, instead of praying in his room beside his bed. Maybe there were many distractions around and maybe he understood that by going somewhere quiet, somewhere where he could be alone with the Father, somewhere beautiful and quiet and peaceful, he would feel closer to Him.

     I would love to go to a grove of trees to pray every morning and every night, somewhere deep within the trees, away from the distractions of the world, but I live in a city. I live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, not Palmyra, New York. And that doesn't mean that I can't have sacred and special experiences. It just reinforces to my mind the importance of finding a quiet place, and a quiet time to pray. We can have those Sacred Grove experiences every day where we can feel peace and a closeness with God. And we can have those experiences in "our closets". :)

     I feel the most at peace when I spend time with my Heavenly Father. If I do, these are the times I feel the strongest. I love the words of Apostle Joseph B. Wirthlin: "Do you love the Lord? Spend time with Him." As I remember those words, I remember how much the Lord loves me and wants to spend time with me too.

     All in the all the holiday was rejuvenating. I had so much fun and I met a lot of friendly people.