Wednesday 5 October 2011

I am Beautiful, and so are You

     Hello! I just wanted to share a picture I took today and absolutely loved and to share my thoughts that stem from it.
     I know that it may look or sound vain to upload a picture of myself but I think to understand the concept that to love how one looks on the outside does have an impact on how one feels on the inside. Yes, it is true that, "what is on the inside is what counts", but, honestly, to look in the mirror and not like what you see can have a huge impact on self-esteem. Part of not liking what you see is in part not seeing the beauty or not believing that the image seen is beautiful and is perpetuated by the individual's current level of self-esteem or mood. Therefore, this problem is cyclical in some ways; thus we can say that both parts, that is, the maintenance of the body, as well as the soul is neccessary to heal and balance both aspects and cultivate the beauty that has always been there and will always be there.
     I have to say, I love it when I take the time to "do myself up" in the morning and see someone fresh and clean smiling before me in the mirror - this make me smile on the inside as well as the outside. However, think of those days when the thoughts come, "you are ugly", or "I hate myself", and "nobody would be happy with me or want to be with me, or even be happy being my friend". Ugly is among those negative, self-esteem destroying adjectives and phrases. One's self-image is very important and to feel beautiful is an extreme confidence booster. I believe maintenance of the body and the soul are both important. I often see a light that shines through the eyes of those I meet; that beauty of soul meets the body through the eyes and enhances the beauty of the individual.
     Everyone is beautiful. Sometimes you just have to see with a new pair of eyes. Find the beauty, cultivate it, and say,
I am beautiful.


  1. Hey Meghan, I agree! I don't do a lot but have a few simple things I like to do to get ready to go out. It does make me feel good. And you know what, when I feel like I'm looking my best, I am better able to focus on other people around me!

    P.S. you are beautiful and that is a wonderful picture!

  2. Thanks Kim! I really appreciate your comments. Isn't that so cool that when we are not worried about what we look like - you know those days (well, I sometimes am so self-conscious about my hair or a pimple that I can't think about anybody else. It's like, I don't care that you are sitting by yourself! I have a huge pimple and can't talk to you because then you will stare at it! Haha ok not exactly but thinking of it in that way is kind of ridiculous and funny), when we focus on ourselves we can't really see. So I really like what you said that then we can then help others because we can see them when we are not focusing on ourselves. Wow. I may have totally overanalyzed that. Haha. But ya, thanks so much!

    And you are beautiful too! I have a really awesome picture of you that I took on our bike ride!
